
the amber spyglass philip pullman
middlesex jeffrey eugenides
more than human theodore sturgeon
i am the messenger markus zusak
faith of the fallen terry goodkind
what happened to lani garver carol plum-ucci
hyperspace michio kaku
the complete sherlock holmes arthur conan dyle
the mystic river dennis lehane
someplace to be flying charle delint
mossflower brian jacques
party of one: a loner’s manifesto anneli rufus
the bone people keri hulme
ender’s shadow orson scott card
halfway human carolyn ives gilman
the traveler john twelve hawks

series and trilogies:
the dresden files jim butcher
the sword of truth terry goodkind
redwall brian jacques
ender orson scott card
the animorphs series k.a. applegate
cal leandros rob thurman
the farseer trilogy robin hobb
the tawny man robin hobb
his dark materials trilogy philip pullman
the midnighters trilogyscott westerfield
sabriel / lirael / abhorsen garth nix
mistborn trilogy
idlewild / edenborn / everfree nick sagan

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